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207: The Diversified Coach: Make a Great Living Doing What You Love


Shannon Ethridge, M.A. B.L.A.S.T. Mentorship Program 4252 E. Farm Rd. 64 Fair Grove, MO 65648






Do you aspire to be so successful as a coach that you can eventually quit your day job? Making a full-time career out of coaching can be scary, but you CAN turn the seemingly “Impossible” into “I’m Possible!” By discovering your natural strengths, building a platform that meets the deeply felt needs of others, and working smarter instead of harder to market your business, you can turn your passion into far more than just a pass-time!   


Learning Objectives 

Participants will: 

  1. Evaluate how to build your life coaching practice around your natural strengths so it all feels like play vs. work 
  2. Identify four distinct ways to build your credibility and create a “bread crumb trail” to your coaching office door 
  3. Develop practical marketing strategies that inspire clients to invest more into the coaching relationship and, therefore, more into their own personal growth 


302: The Biology of Sin

PRESENTERSCREDENTIALSCE CREDITSLEVELSummary  As both a Christian and a neuroscientist, Dr. Stanford has seen scientific knowledge distorted to justify sinful behavior and, perhaps, even more disturbingly, has witnessed Christians misuse Scripture to demonize and...